January 25, 2023
Fat or Phat?

addressing change in a post covid world

Body & Soul® Fitness may be one of the few (if not only) fitness organizations in the world positioned to address some of the biggest health challenges in today’s post-Covid world.  

Some of these challenges according to the United Health Foundation’s 2022 report on “America’s Health Rankings” (https://www.americashealthrankings.org/) are:

  • An increase in premature deaths
  • A worsening of multiple chronic conditions such as cancer, arthritis, and depression
  • A new national high of frequent mental distress and feelings of social isolation 

Several reports on fitness industry trends recognize these problems in part  (https://www.shape.com/fitness-trends-2023-6891463 and https://www.newswise.com/articles/acsm-announces-top-worldwide-fitness-trends). The trends show individuals returning to the community of in-person workouts and moving away from virtual training. It shows an increase in mobility and functional training as well as postural workouts, all of which counteract the societal trend toward sedentary lifestyle that was escalated during the pandemic. Prioritizing mental health through exercise is also trending in 2023 recognizing the numerous studies and research findings that link exercise to reducing stress and improving depression, anxiety, sleep, and brain function. The key is to find exercise that you enjoy and that will make both your body and brain feel good.

New InstructorsAs a “faith and fitness” organization, Body & Soul® has over four decades of experience helping individuals address their health holistically from the physical and spiritual perspective. We have six exercise programs with modification levels in each. There is truly something that every body can safely do and enjoy. Our instructors are nationally certified group fitness instructors, and we deliver training that is current and relevant. Trainings during and since the pandemic have, for instance, focused on mental health tools, posture assessment/impact/correction. Programming and choreography for our programs likewise incorporate cutting edge fitness research and development. Most of all, because our classes are “where faith & fitness meet” and because of spiritual resources and training we provide, the classes become a warm, supportive, and caring environment for those needing and seeking community. All of these unique characteristics position Body & Soul as a top resource to those facing today’s post pandemic challenges.

Interested in becoming a Body & Soul® instructor and making a difference?  Apply here and register for one of our 2023 training sessions and make it happen in one day.  

CelesteRuth Ann Dreyer, Regional Director and Instructor, Oklahoma

Ruth Ann loves teaching classes at Quail Springs Baptist Church, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, and The Springs Church in Oklahoma. She is approved to teach all Body & Soul® programs. She oversees both the South and West Regions of Body & Soul®. Ruth Ann is married to her amazing husband Roger.

Photo credit: daynastudios.com