March 11, 2024
Strength training

why everyone should make time for strength training

Your Wellness Secret Weapon: Part 1

There is a key component to achieving overall better health and long-term wellness, and it’s not a fad. If you are interested in burning calories more efficiently, reducing body fat, and increasing your lean muscle mass for stronger bones, good old fashioned strength training is for you. Even though we naturally lose some of our lean muscle mass as we age, it’s never too late to start (or restart) a strength training regimen, and Body & Soul® Fitness offers many options to assist you in your wellness journey! Whether you lift weights with us, use elastic bands, or prefer exercises that only use your body weight, all these methods fall into the resistance training category and offer the following important benefits:

  • Preserve and enhance your muscle mass at any age
  • Muscle burns calories – more lean muscle equals more efficient calorie burn – helping to maintain a healthy body weight
  • Maintain and even increase your bone density, likely reducing the risk of osteoporosis
  • Improve your ability to do everyday activities without injury
  • Better balance, reducing your risk of falling
  • Reduce the signs and symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and depression

Now that you have several great reasons to focus on strength training, let’s consider how to make it happen! As with any exercise program, listen to your body. Choose a weight size or resistance level light enough to complete a set of 12-15 repetitions using proper form. To avoid injury, stay focused on your posture and positioning during strength training, making certain that you are doing each exercise properly and therefore efficiently to achieve your goals. Finally, make time in your schedule to complete your strength training workout 2-3 times per week, taking time for a recovery day between workouts. With live in-person classes and virtual class options, Body & Soul® Fitness is your partner in your pursuit of better health and overall wellness. Join us today by visiting

by Amy Stafford
Panama City Beach, FL

Amy StaffordAmy Stafford is the President of Body & Soul® Fitness, Certified Personal Trainer, ACE faculty and ACE Group Fitness Instructor. She is a leader in the fitness industry and is a popular speaker for women's events, retreats, fitness conferences. For information on booking Amy for your event or for an interview please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Amy currently resides in the Panama City Beach, FL area and teaches virtually.