March 29, 2024

the wonder of winter (workouts)

Oh, the wonder of winter – holidays, family time, campfires and snow perhaps. It’s a time to enjoy the cozy indoors, sipping cider by the fire, sharing stories with family and friends, right? Instead, the wonder of this season might come from wondering how to get everything done before family arrives, knowing the temperatures are low and the daylight hours are short.

You are likely aware that low levels of ambient light coupled with shorter winter days reduces our exposure to vitamin D, which can cause us to feel tired and fatigued. Many of us also experience disrupted sleep during the winter months, further contributing to low energy levels. It’s a vicious cycle and our exercise motivation takes a big hit…if we don’t make some intentional decisions to keep moving. Rather than letting our motivation take a hit, let’s embrace the wonder of the season and proactively take control of our winter wellness.

Did you know that studies have shown that motivation remains steady when our primary focus is exercising for enjoyment and accomplishment instead of improved health and body image. Enter Body & Soul® Fitness! Between live in-person classes, virtual class offerings, and our FitTV™ on-demand workout platform, we have every opportunity to exercise for fun while meeting our wellness goals no matter the season.

Here are a few important reasons why we should stay active this winter:

  • Stronger immune systems and better lung function – research suggests winter exercise can help trigger the immune system to work harder, which may result in fewer coughs and colds during the cooler months.
  • Exercise efficiency and improved endurance – because our hearts don’t have to work as hard in colder temperatures.
  • Improved mental health – exercise can be a helpful antidote to the winter blues (a.k.a. seasonal affective disorder SAD).
  • Counteract seasonal immobility – we might be spending more time sitting inside during the colder months of the year, so focus on functional movement and flexibility.
  • Improve life satisfaction and overall happiness.
  • Opportunities for social interaction.

Now you may be wondering HOW? Here are three ideas to get you started:

Wear an activity monitor that prompts you to move and records your activity level. Challenge: set goals within your monitor and track your progress.

Commit to your winter workout routine by teaming up with an accountability partner. Challenge: find a partner who will push you to more frequent, regular workouts.

Sign up for Body & Soul® classes (in person or virtual) at Challenge: also sign up for your 30-day free trial of FitTV™ at

by Amy Stafford
Panama City Beach, FL

Amy StaffordAmy Stafford is the President of Body & Soul® Fitness, Certified Personal Trainer, ACE faculty and ACE Group Fitness Instructor. She is a leader in the fitness industry and is a popular speaker for women's events, retreats, fitness conferences. For information on booking Amy for your event or for an interview please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Amy currently resides in the Panama City Beach, FL area and teaches virtually.