Join the Body & Soul® Fitness Planksgiving Challenge!


Follow along with the Body & Soul® community as we stay fit through November! Starting November 1st and ending on November 30th, there will be a weekly scripture to meditate on and a daily planking challenge included in our Planksgiving Guide. The further we get into the month, the harder the challenge will get! As you complete each day, share a photo on social media and be sure to tag @Body & Soul Fitness on Facebook or @werbodysoulfit on Instagram so you can inspire others to join in on the challenge AND be entered into our giveaway! Every photo you post will count as an entry to win custom Body & Soul® logowear. 

  • Complete a daily plank challenge
  • Share your photos on social media
  • Be entered to win custom Body & Soul® logowear

Follow Along on Social Media

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