Joyann Bearden

I am a stay-at-home and homeschool mom of 3. I was introduced to Body & Soul Fitness when I was 13 years old, I used to babysit children while the mom's worked out. As I got older, I joined the class myself. Life got busy, I got married and had kids of my own. My husband is in the military and was deployed for 10 months. During that time I reconnected with my Body & Soul friends and started going back to class. I tried ignoring the call to teach class, but I knew from experience that when you hear God's voice, it's best to listen the first time. I am so blessed to be an instructor for Body & Soul Fitness and to have the opportunity to be part of this ministry.
Type | Program | Location | Schedule | |
In-Person | Cardio Strength,Strength and Flexibility | Judsonia, AR Highway Church of Christ | Tuesday, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM |
Class meeting times are in the timezone in which they are located.