how to get back into exercise postpartum
If you've recently had a baby, you're probably feeling like your body has changed significantly. Your body has gone through a miraculous process to bring new life into this world, so first of all, give it grace and take the pressure off to "bounce back". After childbirth, your body is new and needs embracing as it is.
Let's rewind a little. If you're currently pregnant, one of the most important things you can do is safely exercise throughout your pregnancy. One study found that, often, "women who exercise have shorter, easier labours, less medical intervention, less fetal distress and a faster recovery." If yours is a low-risk pregnancy, after receiving clearance from your healthcare provider, you might start including some low-impact exercise such as walking, stretching, or joining a Body & Soul® Fitness GOLD™ class which is particularly safe and beneficial during pregnancy. Other Body & Soul® Fitness programs, such as Cardio Strength & Flexibility™, offer pregnancy modifications and are a great way to keep your workouts varied yet safe.
Back to postpartum. If you're past your 6-week mark and your doctor has given you the go-ahead to start exercising, this can be an exciting but also a daunting time. Where do I start? What type of exercise is considered safe? How will my postpartum body react to exercise? With a newborn, how will I find the time to workout? These are some of the questions I asked myself when I was in this position not long ago, as I'm currently 13 months postpartum, having had my first baby in June 2023. I'm a Body & Soul® Instructor in Zimbabwe, Africa, and I taught classes throughout my pregnancy and exercised at home. Keeping active both before and during pregnancy gave me the strength and endurance needed for labour and childbirth.
However, even as an Instructor, I felt daunted and out of my depth when it came time to start exercising again after my baby was born. This was the unknown. My body felt totally different. I decided to take it very slowly, only starting to exercise at 2 months postpartum. I did Body & Soul® workouts from home either when my baby napped, or, more often, after he went to sleep at night.
After a few months, I was finding it hard to sustain exercising at home as it was mostly at night. I decided to start attending Body & Soul® classes in person. This was a game-changer! I found it easier to stay committed and I left feeling uplifted and energized after every class. It was a chance to have some time to myself, meet and connect with other class members, and the set class time each week made it easier to incorporate into my routine.
These are my tips for getting back into exercise postpartum:
● Start by gently stretching first thing in the morning. Be careful not to over-stretch as your ligaments have softened after childbirth, making it easier to strain a muscle.
● Include slow, short walks.
● After 6 weeks and clearance from your physician, slowly ease into exercise. Don't expect your body to be at the same fitness level that it was pre-pregnancy.
● Find what works best for you, whether that means working out from home with Body & Soul® FitTV™ or joining a virtual or in-person class. We have lots of options!
● Lastly, take one day at a time and celebrate your progress, no matter how small.
by Amy Esterhuizen
Instructor | Zimbabwe, Africa

Body and Soul® Fitness is an international Christian fitness organization that trains and equips instructors to lead a variety of group fitness programs including choreographed aerobics-style Cardio Strength & Flexibility™, cardio dance style Dance Blast™, free-weights-focused Power Strength™, boot camp style FIT360™ and Longevity FIT360™, and GOLD™ - lower impact programming for participants that are pregnant, have weight challenges, injuries, or other medical conditions. These exercise classes meet in church gyms, community centers, gymnasiums, parking lots, schools, etc. across the United States, Europe, and Africa. In-person and virtual fitness classes are available.
Key words: Christian fitness, women's exercise classes, group fitness, dance aerobics classes, Christian group fitness, Christian fitness app, FitTV, Body & Soul, Body and Soul, fitness instuctor training, low impact exercise