In Strength and Fitness

We are more than simply a fitness organization. We are intentional about our faith, living life well, and being our best in whatever role(s) we find ourselves in life. We aim to honor God with everything we are. And we want to help you do the same.

When you become a Body & Soul® Fitness student, you’ll be given a free copy of our most current devotional booklet. In this, you’ll find our current playlist of songs/artists, and spiritual content that we hope will encourage and inspire you. Download a copy of our previous devotional booklet.
November 2, 2024
Forever friends

"God knew we would need close women connections on this journey. In 2021, the Lord moved one of my besties away to another state. She was more than just a friend..."

August 17, 2024
Back to School

"August is a time of mixed emotions - happy remembrances of special summer gatherings and trips, anticipation of a new school year, no matter what age you are, and a bit of stress, as the to-do lists are long... At this time, we know you need prayer support!"

July 22, 2024
Body & Soul class

"I always leave class feeling stronger physically and spiritually! But sometimes, a certain song lyric paired with a specific move can create a holy moment that helps me open myself up to God in a special way..."

July 2, 2024
True Freedom

In the United States, on July 4th, we commemorate our freedom as a country, won in battle by brave warriors in our military in 1776. Many of us have family and friends who serve today, and we also pause at this time to honor them...

June 9, 2024
Strength training
With the proper mindset, we can thank God today for obstacles because just like increasing the resistance to promote greater physical strength, obstacles enable us to...

June 1, 2024
What comes to your mind when you think of “invitation”? When’s the last time you received an invitation that made you feel really special…chosen…included? At Body & Soul® Fitness, we have a powerful sense of community. For many Instructors and students, we have been part of this ministry for many years. When asked what keeps us involved, though the answers vary, each one tells a story...

May 21, 2024
Faith and Fitness
The ministry of Body & Soul® Fitness began in 1981. This year, we celebrate 43 years of sharing our faith through fitness classes that meet all around the world...

January 21, 2024

Lately, I’ve been humbled by the trials experienced by friends and family. They write about how God is good and how faithful He is to provide what is best for them. A few tips that I’ve learned from them...

December 10, 2023
Christmas Memories

Hanging ornaments on the tree has almost become a sacred moment in my holiday season. The old handmade ones mixed in among the new remind me of sweet seasons of life I have had the pleasure of walking through. Each one brings back a memory of...

October 29, 2023
Life in the Faith Lane

We are never alone. God showed me that clearly when I went on a trip to India to visit the orphanages that Ken and I had established before he passed away. God showed me clearly that He was with me even when I had to go without Ken. I was not alone and I will never be alone...