In Strength and Fitness

We are more than simply a fitness organization. We are intentional about our faith, living life well, and being our best in whatever role(s) we find ourselves in life. We aim to honor God with everything we are. And we want to help you do the same.

When you become a Body & Soul® Fitness student, you’ll be given a free copy of our most current devotional booklet. In this, you’ll find our current playlist of songs/artists, and spiritual content that we hope will encourage and inspire you. Download a copy of our previous devotional booklet.
July 10, 2021
Summertime Prayer Focus

Summertime. It’s here! Schools are closed and my schedule opens up. As summer begins, my first thought was that I wanted to take my time reading God’s word and talk with him in prayer about all the things I‘ve been meaning to discuss with him over the past year!

But life happens...

July 3, 2021
True Freedom

I love the word Freedom! I’m so thankful to live in a country that is free and celebrates freedom. But true freedom goes deeper than patriotism and nationality. The thought of being FREE and LIBERATED because of Jesus’ death and resurrection takes freedom to a whole different level.

June 13, 2021
Spring Training

A new season is upon us and as we begin to “clean” things up, perhaps it is time to dust off the weights, clean off your mat, air up the bike tires, and subscribe to your favorite Body & Soul® class!

June 6, 2021
Spiritual Strength Training
The Kingdom of God is here…wait... must we look for it?! Yes & yes.  If we are in Christ, we’re filled with the Holy Spirit and residents of the Kingdom of God, but we’re still plagued and surrounded with our natural body and the world.  It’s a tug of war. But we have the victory for a new perspective if we seek it. Through the Holy Spirit we can have a revolutionary vantage point for seeing our circumstances, possessions, and relationships – it is the point of view of knowing what counts for eternity. God’s approach to everything in life is 180 degrees from ours. (Isaiah 55:8-11) 

June 1, 2021
Spiritual Strength Training
Spiritual Fitness training—what a concept! Have you thought about what this really is? We all know that physical training requires effort, faithfulness and commitment, both to get in shape physically, and stay in shape physically. In Body & Soul® we receive this physical training and we do it for our health, not for body-perfection.

December 9, 2020
Never Snatched From His Hands
It was a beautiful summer day. A perfect day to be at an amusement park. It had been years since I had been to Storyland. My parents had taken me there a few times when I was a kid but I had never taken my kids.

We had fun with our extended family, letting the kids explore the rides and the exhibits that highlighted all the popular stories we heard as kids. We saw the old woman who lived in a shoe, and we crouched down low as we went through the house where Goldilocks and the three bears had their adventure.

We were walking along moving from one exhibit to the next when I suddenly realized that my six-year-old little boy was no longer with us. There was little immediate panic because we had so much family with us. There were probably twenty of us. We figured he must be with somebody else.

November 25, 2020
Join us for this 30-day challenge where you will master the plank and achieve core strength before the end of 2020. Invite your friends to join you for some friendly competition.

August 24, 2020
Let’s make the most of our quarantine time at home and refocus our attention on functional fitness. Now’s the time to revamp our exercise routine and get back on track with a fresh at-home workout.

August 17, 2020
Each of us is created by God with similarities and differences. Our internal systems all work pretty much the same, at least in general terms, but we look and sound and act uniquely. This is God’s sovereign and creative plan. Some people prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate. (These are my people.) Others choose summer beach vacations over winter ski vacations. (Again, these are my people.) According to an online survey, 62% of people asked, do not like change. (These are not my people.) I actually like change. I’m your friend who’s always rearranging the furniture and inviting you over to check it out! But even more than freshening up the living room, I embrace change because it represents transition and adaptability. In my mind, it’s the opposite of standard and boring. Here’s what I mean: when the furniture finds a new spot in the room, the transition provides a new perspective.

May 21, 2019
God keeps an eye on us wherever we go. When we get lost he finds us. He sticks close beside us. He does not get busy and forget us. He does not get distracted and lose track of us. As a loving Father he is always mindful of where we are and what we need. He is there for us whenever we need him. In rising flames, pouring rain and as the floods of life threaten to overtake us, he is with us, keeping us safe. What a comfort. What reassurance. What joy! Our God is with us wherever we go. Think of him as a constant companion who always has your best interest at heart. He rejoices with you when you make wise choices and he picks you up when you fall down. He guides you through narrow paths and wide spaces, over mountains and through the valleys of life. He is the all-knowing, supremely wise tour guide for the journey of your life. And the only guidebook you need for this journey is the Bible, his love letter to you that you can read at any moment and be encouraged. Take time to sit with him and read it. As the song says, He is your only hope!